From Promise to Action: Leveraging OGP to Deliver on Summit for Democracy Commitments

On December 16, OGP, USAID, Transparency International Anti-Corruption Organization organized an online discussion.
On December 16, within the framework of OGP Summit 2021 stakeholders discussed and explored the ways in which OGP can drive progress from promise to action, and ensure meaningful progress on country commitments made at the Summit for Democracy. In particular, panelists discussed ways to ensure meaningful Civil society engagement in the “Year of Action,” adequate technical support and peer learning, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning to measure progress.
The discussion was moderated by Jennifer Lewis, Deputy Director, Programs, USAID Anti-Corruption Task Force. The discussion brought the observations of IRM, mainly Tinatin Ninua, Deputy Director, OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism, pointed to commitments made at the 2016 Anti-Corruption Summit as an example of reforms on Beneficial Ownership now being implemented through OGP.
Lilya Afrikyan, OGP Point of Contact, Office of the Prime Minister, Armenia, highlighted how OGP is an effective platform to bring together stakeholders beyond governments - citizens, Civil Society organizations, international donor partners like USAID
have an important role to play in creating ambitious commitments.
Carlos Pimentel, Director de Compras y Contrataciones Públicas, Dominican Republic, pointed the effectiveness of the cooperation and outcomes.
Michael Jarvis, Director, Transparency and Accountability Initiative, told that the OGP has an important role to play beyond the #SummitForDemocracy. It can provide a space for these commitments to evolve and become more ambitious through peer exchange and multiple levels of accountability.