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The toolkit to identify Real owners expanded

The toolkit to identify Real owners expanded

In 2018, the Government of Armenia undertook the process of identifying Real Beneficiaries in the Open Government Partnership-Armenia (OGP) Action Plan. In this context, the Government of Armenia joined the "Real Beneficiaries" leadership team and undertook the responsibility of developing policies in this direction, together with other participating countries. The first phase of the OGP-Armenia Action Plan would address the Real Beneficiaries of the metal mines. However, in 2021 On June 3, the National Assembly adopted a package of laws that expands the scope of organizations with the obligation to identify real beneficiaries.

From September 1, 2021, legal entities with the obligation to submit declarations on Real Beneficiaries will be joined by legal entities operating in the regulated field of public services, as well as providing audiovisual media services. For all other legal entities, except for limited liability companies with only individual participants, the obligation will be effective from January 1, 2022, and for limited liability companies with limited liability individuals, non-commercial organizations from January 1, 2023. 

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