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Action Plans

7. Open & Social: Access to integrated social services and raising awareness

Commitment Start and End Date: 11.2018 - 11.2020
Lead implementing agency: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Person responsible from implementing agency: Garnik Nalbandyan
Title, Department: Deputy Director of the National Institute of Labour and Social Research
Phone: +37410208344

Other actors involved

Other state actors involved

Ministry of High-Tech Industry

Civil society, private sector

Interested non-governmental organizations in the social protection sector,

“Armavir Development Center” NGO

Issue subject to regulation

Performance of the commitment is conditioned by the need to ensure continuity and logical end of the activities being implemented under Commitment 7 of the Third Action Plan of Open Government Partnership of the Republic of Armenia. Within the scope of the provision of social services in the system of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, nearly 80 social protection state programs are being carried out which mainly presume various kinds of services with various preconditions and procedures. Each program presumes, as a rule, a multiple-factor business process, information regarding whereto is not properly perceived by the public.


On the other hand, taking into consideration the human-centrism of social services and engagement of the broader public, solutions are needed to have a stable system of assessments by the public of social services and activities of state institutions providing such service.

Main objective

Through the innovation tools developed within the scope of the Open&Social Commitment, accessibility of information about social services classified and presented automatically with online public participation, public participation in the process of evaluation of social services and rating of organizations providing services will be ensured, providing access to social services and raising public awareness.

Brief description of commitment

Having into consideration the definition of the existing issue, the commitment presumes introduction of the Open&Social instruments, based on collection, coordination, dissemination “customized” for public and analysis of data. There is a need for ensuring sustainable, complete, accessible, targeted and manageable information on the sector of social protection among the public, which will, as a result, raise the public awareness and contribute to the suppression of corrupt practices within the social services due to the lack of awareness by the beneficiary, as the citizen will have a better knowledge of his or her rights. As a result, the beneficiary must be informed — in case of selection and entry of information about him or her — about the social services available specifically to him or her, the procedures for benefiting therefrom, the geography of provision of services, as well as relevant non-state organizations providing mapped social services. For example, the beneficiary shall — as a result of entry of information about him or her — be automatically informed about how probable is the possibility of receiving — by him or her — family insecurity benefit or benefiting from the program for providing social apartments, how and where he or she must receive that service, what alternatives exist in organizations providing non-state social services, etc. That is to say, the beneficiary will be able to manage the indicators of his or her availability to social services by himself or herself. The online system will be designed with a user-friendly structure, solutions for accessible use by persons with disabilities will be provided, as well as high quality and perceptible design will be ensured.

Qualitative and quantitative factors of the assessment of the procedure for providing social services as a result of the provision thereof, solvability of the issue, as well as conduct of employees providing social services and professional capacities will be involved in the environments of the assessment of social services by the public. For example, button devices for the assessment by the visitors of the employees providing social services will be installed in the complex social service centres, and assessment platforms will be installed in the online environments, as well as the existing solutions will be reviewed. All the assessment channels will be linked to the Monitoring and Assessment Information System of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, and the assessment results will be taken into consideration in the tactical solutions and further reforms.

OGP challenge addressed by the commitment

Improvement of public services, enhancement of public integrity.

Relevance to OGP values

By this commitment, the processes ensuring public participation will help raise the quality of services provided by the State will help essentially reduce the uncertainty of the public about social services in terms of information and will help raise the level of public accountability.


Raising the level of effectiveness of social services through feedback regarding the quality of those services, ensuring accessibility of information and public participation.

Potential Impact:


Implementation status


UN Goals

1.3 Develop and enlarge appropriate social protection systems and measures for all. 1.b.1. Proportion of recurrent and capital spending from the State Budget that disproportionately benefit women, and vulnerable groups.

Ongoing actions

Action Description
Start Date
End Date
Comment from government
1.Introducing the "Open&Social" instrument at on-line information system of integrated social services for the purpose of ensuring access of the beneficiary to information on the social services that are available for him or her, as well as mapping of organizations providing social services within the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia
partially completed
2.Creating a platform and developing and revising existing solutions, where the public will be provided with an opportunity to give scores to the specific service and the organization providing this service, and as a result of analyzing these scores, such services and organizations operating in the social protection sector will get a certain rating. Revising, based on opinions of beneficiaries, of services being provided, simplifying the working procedures, reducing the time
in process
According to the questionnaire developed, mapping of organizations providing social service was carried out throughout the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia, and a relevant pilot information database was formed. Based on this research, an information system for providing access to information on social services was to be developed, which, however, was not developed, and a decision was rendered to include it in the unified information system of social protection, which is in the stage of development. The absence of the mentioned information system did not give the opportunity to carry out activities for the creation and modification of the platform, which would enable the public to give scores to the specific service or the organization providing the service, to review the services provided on the basis of the opinions of the beneficiaries, to simplify work processes, to reduce their time, and to rate the organization providing services.