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Action Plans

8. Unified information system for management of education

Commitment Start and End Date: 11.2018 - 08.2020
Lead implementing agency: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport
Person responsible from implementing agency: Syuzi Mashuryan
Title, Department: Head of Education Information and Analysis Division
Phone: +37410578453

Other actors involved

Other state actors involved

Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Yerevan Municipality

Civil society, private sector

“Armavir Development Center” NGO and other NGOs.

Issue subject to regulation

At various levels of education it is necessary to exclude multiple concurrent record-registration of the same learner, oversight over the process of transferring from one educational institution to the other (of various educational levels as well), clarify the mechanisms for listing children, admitting and transferring to, as well as expelling from and resuming studies at educational institutions, ensure transparency in the sector of education, reduce administration, optimize information flows, ensure an electronic listing and the opportunity to follow the list.

Main objective

Ensuring, through unified electronic governance, the completeness of information, collecting, analyzing data. increasing authenticity, public accountability, the effectiveness of work, early detection of the risk of being dropped out from compulsory education and not being included in education and referral, creation of mechanisms for appeal for the main beneficiaries — parents, applying to relevant bodies in case of dereliction, omission or improper fulfillment of duties, a commission of violations in any circle, ensuring electronic listing and the opportunity to follow the list.

Providing appeal mechanisms for students in case of expulsion or dismissal of a student from a higher educational institution, improper fulfillment of obligations, or failure to fulfill them by the HEI.

Brief description of commitment

Development of a unified information (record-registration, transfer, listing, admitting, and transferring of learners) system for management of education by including all institutions of all educational levels, including pre-school, irrespective of the organizational form and subordination. It will give an opportunity to receive multi-layer and comprehensive information about the activities of the organization, reports, attendance, transfers of learners (upon the consent of learners), academic advancement, granted qualification, graduation documents of learners, vacancies, expulsion, registration of children of pre-school institutions and about other issues. The system will provide the opportunity for feedback from parents and learners and for filing appeals, as well as following the steps taken for the solution thereof.

OGP challenge addressed by the commitment

In the sector of education:

  •  decrease of corruption risks — open information (upon the consent of learners) about the attendance of learners, vacant places, transfer, expulsion, listing in pre-school institutions, etc.
  • organize public awareness-raising for all families for the purpose of increasing the accessibility of the platform,
  • develop mechanisms and ensure continuous updating of information;
  • launch a window on the platform for responding to the appeals, comments, and proposals of the interested persons, providing relevant solutions to the issues by the relevant agency,
  • provide a possibility for the feedback for introducing matters and issues raised by parents and learners, as well as for tracking steps taken towards them,
  • introduction of innovation.

Relevance to OGP values

Improvement of public services, enhancement of public integrity, application of innovative technologies.


Clarification of mechanisms for listing, multiple registration, admission and transfer of children to educational institutions, expulsion and resuming studies thereof, ensuring transparency, reduction of administration, the introduction of appeal mechanisms for parents and learners, settlement of other issues.

Potential Impact:


Implementation status


UN Goals

4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities

Ongoing actions

Action Description
Start Date
End Date
Comment from government
1.Creation of a unified system for management of education: system of entry of information on all educational institutions
2.Stipulating a relevant provision of law for maintaining such a system in the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On education". Submitting the package of the draft Law to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
3.Informing all participating parties about the system, its significance, activities and effectiveness
4.Summarizing the pilot stage, revealing issues, and revising them, upon necessity. Phased introduction of the system, end of the process
5.Monitoring the launch and introduction of the system. Process assessment.
• The draft Law "On making amendments and supplements to the Law of the Republic of Armenia ‘On education’" has been elaborated, which is aimed at establishing legal grounds for the state education management information system and maintenance of administrative registers by the authorized body of state education management. The draft envisages that the authorized body of state education management shall: "՚prescribe the procedure for maintaining the education management information system; develop, introduce and maintain state administrative registers in the field of education;". The draft Law was circulated as prescribed and submitted for public discussion (5-20 November 2019), after which it was revised. The package of the draft Law was discussed in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on 21 July 2020 and included, on 14 September 2020, in the agenda of the session and regular sittings. The Law of the Republic of Armenia "On making amendments and supplements to the Law ‘On education’" was adopted by the National Assembly on 20 January 2021. • Since 2018, the Management Information System (SMIS) of all general education institutions (regardless of the organizational form) has been operating in the Republic. The SMIS, being combined with the State Population Register of the Police of the Republic of Armenia, excludes the multiple record-registration of the same person and the possibility of incorrect financing as a result thereof, provides a great systemic opportunity to exclude cases of being dropped out of education, in addition to collecting and summarizing the whole information necessary for the policy of the sector, ensures also provides the complete report of the annual general education statistics and the publication thereof in the "Database" section. • In 2019, the sub-system "Electronic system for on-line application of first graders" was established and tested, which was tested in the public schools in Yerevan within the scope of admissions for the 2019-2020 academic year. After summarizing the pilot phase, in the 2020-2021 academic year, the system was introduced throughout the whole territory of the Republic. The main purpose of the introduction of the sub-system is to ensure the admission of the number of children appropriate to the licensed places issued to schools, as a result whereof we will have a decrease in overloaded and underloaded schools and their elimination in the final result. One of the goals of the sub-system is also the establishment of equal conditions for parents, effective and quick organization of the process, as well as the revelation of issues that cause problems during admission to school. During the testing of the sub-system, feedback with parents via e-mail functioned, as well as the hotline of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia operated. • In the 2020-2021 academic year, the sub-system "Electronic System for On-line Application of College Applicants" was launched, which aims at the transparency of admission to secondary vocational education institutions and the exclusion of corruption risks.