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Action Plans

11. Providing feedback of public services

Commitment Start and End Date: 01.2019 - 08.2020
Lead implementing agency: e-Governance infrastructure implementation agency
Person responsible from implementing agency: Leonid Avetisyan
Title, Department: Director of the “EKENG” CJSC
Phone: +37460464501

Other actors involved

Other state actors involved

Ministry of High-Tech Industry, Government bodies

Civil society, private sector

UNDP in Armenia,

IT and non-governmental organizations

Issue subject to regulation

Public services are rarely developed with the direct participation of citizens and based on their needs. Citizens have no efficient mechanism for expressing opinions or suggest improvements. Feedback mechanisms available in e-government resources do not allow the coordinated collection of information on the needs and opinions of citizens. The collected information does not undergo coordinated processing so that it is transferred to decision-makers and the further policy is based on the facts and the lessons learned.

Enable citizens to evaluate public services provided to them, as well as submitting proposals thereon through the simplified feedback which will contribute to participation and improvement of the quality of public services. Assessment is conducted by both quantitative and qualitative criteria (for example, how long has the service provision lasted and how much is the citizen satisfied with the service?).

Active participation of each user in the stages of development and assessment of services is particularly important for the citizen-state dialogue. The collection of user opinions not only contributes to the improvement of public participation but also allows the executive body to improve the provided public services in the short term based on the results of the continuous feedback.

Recognizing accountable and participatory public administration as a key factor in democratic governance and economic development is in line with both the recently developed UN Sustainable Development Goals and the principles of the European Neighbourhood (EN) Policy. Participation of citizens in the sector of public administration, particularly with regard to ensuring transparency in the process of developing and providing public services has a key role. The SIGMA, in close cooperation with the EC, has defined each of the core areas of public administration in the document “Principles of Public Administration for European Neighbourhood Policy countries”.

This document stipulates and attaches importance to the direct participation of citizens in the assessment of public services and providing feedback and will be the main guideline for the assessment of the public services of the Republic of Armenia in the coming years.

Main objective

The commitment has two aspects: first, citizens receive an accessible tool for participants to develop and assess public services on a daily basis; second, the executive body has a comprehensive overview of the assessment by citizens and issues identified through data visualization which allows adopting more informed decisions based on data.

The executive assumes responsibility for responding and providing relevant solutions to the opinions of citizens on public services and issues identified.

The list and scope of the services to be assessed will be clarified through the study conducted at the preliminary stage of the commitment.

Brief description of commitment

Launch an online feedback platform regarding public services which will allow collecting, sorting and analyzing assessments and proposals of citizens.

Develop a human-oriented and user-friendly platform which will encourage participation of citizens in the process of developing and assessing public services. Combine collection of quantitative and qualitative response.

Integrate/create a tool for collecting, sorting and analyzing assessments of citizens in one of the current online platforms.

OGP challenge addressed by the commitment

Improvement of public confidence, promotion of public participation

Relevance to OGP values

Improvement of public services, promotion of public integrity, and participation.


The commitment allows creating a live communication platform for collecting, processing citizen's perception and assessment of public services and for using them for fact-based policy planning for the first time.

Potential Impact:


Implementation status


UN Goals

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels

Ongoing actions

Action Description
Start Date
End Date
Comment from government
1.1. Study of international examples of ensuring, co-creating the process of participation in public administration for citizens, and citizen-oriented public administration
2.2. A number of recommendations on the methodology for quality control of public services based on the use of the assessments received from citizens (including responsible institutions, frequency, monitoring frequency, performance system based on the results) Collecting, for the purpose of statistical analysis, data on the services provided by the State and on the citizens having received them in the single unified electronic register, including: a. automatically collecting the necessary data on persons receiving services and on received services from the current e-governance systems and transferring them to the unified electronic register; b. entering information on paper-based services in the unified electronic register. Conducting assessment of the quality of services th
4.4. Launching the mechanism with the public involvement and public awareness campaign